Achieve radiant and youthful-looking skin naturally

with a 10 minutes of face yoga routine

If you are diving into this exciting journey of Facial Yoga, let us help you along the way

Download this WORKBOOK FREE

and find out the steps for natural beauty, in the comfort of your own home with just 15 minutes a day

How can I help you?

Customized Facial Treatments

Improves texture and deep hydration neck and face. Enjoy radiant skin and perfectly cleanprocedures are designed exclusively for your needs.

Beginners Program Face-Yoga Lumina Skin

Rejuvenate your skin from the comfort of your home15 mins a day, in 5 weeks.

Customized Workshops

Relieves muscle tension and improves your overall well-being. I will teach you to combine holistic techniques of beauty. You will learn how to integrate Face Yoga, Gua-Sha and massage in a single class

Discover Lumina Skin

A place designed for busy women,

looking for long-lasting results,

without invasive treatments.

Imagine finding a space where:

Skin Consultation With Cecilia

Retrieved the skin you have always dreamed of, to look and feel more beautiful.

Visit our Shop

Take the first step towards a skin luminous. Find personal care products designed for enhance your natural beauty.

Gua-Sha Course

Discover the secrets of a healthy skin with a ancient Chinese practice.

They already trust Me and Lumina Skin

I'm Cecilia, the mind and the heart behind Lumina Skin

During 3 years I was injecting me Botox.
What began as a attempt to improve my appearance and looking for a quick solutionsoon it became one of my worst nightmares.
Stop using Botox wreaked havoc on my face, but also I OPENED MY EYES.
I needed to stop putting toxins into my body and my brain.
My experience in medicine allows me to combine non-invasive treatments with  NATURAL TECHNIQUES as the yoga facial, gua sha and massage myofascial and intra oral.
And you, are you ready to begin this journey of self-discovery and natural beauty next to me?

Before you go...
Please take a moment to learn our easy-to-follow instructions

Download your WORKBOOK FREE

and start transforming your facial care   routine naturally


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